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In order to maintain compliance with COVID-19 regulations, we will be following the recommendations set in place from the CDC and ABMP. Please understand there will be changes in our office and we appreciate your patience during this time. 


In order to fully disinfect our rooms, our schedule will temporarily be changing. The appointment days and times you are used to may be slightly altered. Mikayla will let you know what is available when you make an appointment.


Amid the ongoing uncertainty of COVID-19, we have modified our cancellation policy to offer greater flexibility to all our clients. We hope this will alleviate any stress and hesitation you have about an upcoming appointment. If you need to reschedule for whatever reason, and especially if you are not feeling well, we understand and request for you to please contact us as soon as possible to reschedule. To further support you, there will be no penalties for cancellations at this time. 


Appointment times are as scheduled and cannot extend beyond the stated time to accommodate late arrivals. In order for times between clients to be as efficient as possible and to properly sanitize our rooms, please be on time to your appointment.


Bodywork is not appropriate care for infectious or contagious illness. Please cancel your appointment as soon as you are aware of an infectious or contagious illness that you or someone in your household may have. If you or someone in your household are waiting for results from a COVID-19 test, please cancel your appointment. 

Positive COVID-19 case:

If a client tests positive for COVID-19 and has been in our office in the past 14 days, we are required to give the state the first name, last name, and phone number of all clients who have been in our office since then. Please be aware by attending your appointment, you are giving us permission to share your information with the Pennsylvania Department of Health. 


All clients and staff will be required to wear a mask in the building. While in the treatment room, your therapist will assess you to make sure you can breathe through your mask as you are being treated. 

Hand washing and hand sanitizing:

We ask all clients to properly wash your hands after using the restroom and after your session. We will also have hand sanitizer available in all rooms where clients can sanitize as necessary. Staff will be washing their hands before and after each session, after disposing of dirty linens, and after disinfecting their rooms.


Cleanliness has always been a top priority of ours. We will be disinfecting our tables, pillows, benches, door knobs, light switches, clothing racks, pens, desk tops, bathrooms, elevators, and banisters in between each client.

Treatment room changes:

We ask that when you undress you hang your clothes on the rack in the treatment rooms. Please do not lay any clothes on the bench. You may sit on the bench when dressing/undressing. It will be disinfected in between each client. 


As always, we will still accept all forms of payments. If you plan on paying with a card, we will be asking you to pay for your appointment ahead of time. We will be doing pre-appointment screenings and can take your card at that time. We will accept cash or check at the time of your appointment.

New Consent Forms:

You will temporarily have to sign the consent form shown below at every appointment. Please read through it now to save time at check in. We will also be taking your temperature when you come in. We appreciate your understanding as we take these precautionary measures. 

Screening phone call:

We will be contacting all clients to do a screening the day before their scheduled appointment. At this time, if you plan on paying by card we will ask you have your payment ready to prepay for your appointment. 

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